What Happens If ENDA Passes?
by Nathan A. Cherry Even though ENDA passed in the Senate it had no chance of making it through the House where Speaker Boehner opposed it as well as most Republicans; and a few vulnerable Democrats...
View ArticleThe Practical End to ENDA
by Nathan A. Cherry For the time being ENDA appears dead. Even though it passed in the Senate it had no chance of making it through the House where Speaker Boehner opposed it as well as most...
View ArticleLaw Professor Says This Flier is “Ludicrous.” Agree?
by Nathan A. Cherry A group in Indiana is under attack for speaking truthfully about the danger same-sex “marriage” presents to religious freedom. The group put out a bulletin insert to churches which...
View ArticleAandE Tries to Silence Duck Dynasty Star for Being Christian
by Nathan A. Cherry It was just a matter of time before it happened. Ever since reports surfaced that A&E was trying to crack down on religious expressions by the Robertson family during taping of...
View ArticleA Blueprint for American Reform to Past Greatness!
By Tom Stark Everyone these days has a formula that will result in “transformation” of America. Transformation has been turned into a dirty word in many minds since the dawn of the Obama...
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